Fun with Markov chains
I'm slowly making my way through the posts at languagehat, a linguistics weblog which I discovered a few days ago.
In a comment on one of the articles, someone mentioned that entering 2665
on a mobile phone with predictive text input spells both "book" and "cool". Which got me thinking about what other collisions there might be...
So, after taking Grady Ward's Moby word list, and writing a few lines of C#, here are my favourites:
- acquire = baptise
- equitable = fruitcake
- hormonic = insomnia
- mature = obtuse
- mudsucker = overtakes
- navaho = obtain
- pervert = request
- piebald = ridable
- pigmaker = signaler
- september = sequences
And for Dutch (using this word list):
- afgrijselijk = begrijpelijk
- aftakking = bevalling
- amortisatie = constipatie
- deeltallen = edelvalken
- emmer = fonds
- gesloopt = herkomst
- puber = stads
- starheid = subsidie
- tijdvak = vijftal
- uniek = vogel
Brilliant! I love this little word research projects. (shameless plug) does something similar for anagrams with identical initial and final letters.
Comment by cronopio — 24 May 2006 @ 15:19