Thanks, stejk! And I think I agree… I had a hard time deciding between the “adding them one by one” and the “they’re all there” bits, and in the end I just combined the two. Probably would have been better to just stick to the “they’re all there” part.
The start is kinda weaker until it’s filled up. Then it looks so amazing and alive… nice job. :)
Comment by stejk — 4 August 2014 @ 10:50
Thanks, stejk! And I think I agree… I had a hard time deciding between the “adding them one by one” and the “they’re all there” bits, and in the end I just combined the two. Probably would have been better to just stick to the “they’re all there” part.
Well, it’s only my second sketch :-)
Comment by amg — 4 August 2014 @ 21:34